ProductCode: 1021961
The Protium-50 is an advanced hydrogen PEM fuel cell thatis designed for tomorrow's unmanned vehicles. The Protium Series is theflagship suite of fuel cell systems and the culmination of more than a decadeof cutting edge R&D. Every Protium fuel cell is made of the best qualitymembrane electrode assemblies to ensure the highest power output in thesmallest form factor.
Technical Specifications:
Fuel Supply:
Electronic Controller:
Suggested Hybrid Lipo Battery
This fuel cell system requires the use of 3S LiPo battery(>50C discharge rated). The ultra-lightweight feature of the Protium-50 fuelcell system comes from the elimination of bulky and heavy external humidifiersneeded for PEM fuel cell technology. An automated fuel cell stack conditioningprotocol maintains the hydration of the membrane. During the stack conditioningevent, fuel cell system briefly gets disconnected from the load (approximately100 milliseconds). A small LiPo battery needs to be used to provide electricalenergy to the load during the stack conditioning event.
Operation of the Fuel Cell - Hybrid LiPoBattery For UAVs
The ultra-lightweight Protium-50 fuel cellsystem works in tandem with the Hybrid LiPo battery. During the startup of thefuel cell, the Hybrid LiPo battery provides the electrical energy to initializeall the electronics. For the power demand up to 50 W, the electrical energy issolely supplied by the fuel cell stack. For events such as take off andemergencies that demand more than 50 W for short durations, LiPo batteryprovides all the electrical energy needed. For the most efficient use of thistandem power architecture, it is suggested that fuel cell stack to be used forcruising part of the flight and Hybrid LiPo battery to be used during take-offand short duration emergencies.
We have different configuration products for the same. Please you can directly call us to Dr. Arup: 8452810712.
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