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Fuel Cell Stack 10

Fuel Cell Stack 10

Product Details:


Product Description

Brand: H-TECEducation
Product Code: 1071040


H-TEC's Fuel Cell Stack 10 is a modular fuel cell stackwith 10 cells that are easy to add or remove.  The Fuel Cell Stack 10 allowsvoltages between individual cells to be measured.  The stack is deliveredfully assembled.

About the PEM Fuel Cell Process

Hydrogen gas is oxidized within a fuel cell.  In theprocess, the chemical energy stored in the hydrogen gas is converted directly,i.e. without combustion, to electrical energy.  This process takes placein the heart of the fuel cell, the Membrane Electrode Assembly (MEA).

The MEA comprises two electrodes (cathode: oxygen sideand anode: hydrogen side) and the Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM).  The PEMis a special plastic film which is permeable to protons but which presents abarrier to electrons.

Hydrogen gas is split by catalysis into electrons andprotons in the fuel cell.  Due to the chemical imbalance created, theprotons (cations) diffuse through the PEM.  The resulting potentialdifference can be tapped on the electrodes in the form of a no-load voltage. As soon as an electric circuit is connected to the fuel cell, the surpluselectrodes flow to the cathode, where they combine with the oxygen and theprotons to form water (H2O).  The water produced escapes viathe air vent in the form of water vapor.


Fuel Cell Stack 10 Features:

 Modular design
 Flexible power output
 Single gas supply for whole stack
 Easy to add or remove cells from fuelcell stacks.


Technical Specifications:

Power Per Cell: 200 mW
Total Power (10 Cells): 2 W
Generated Voltage: 0.4 - 0.96 V per cell
Electrode Area: 4cm² per cell
Dimensions (H x W x D): 2.4" x 7" x 2.8" (60 x 178 x 70 mm)
Weight: 15.2 oz (430 g)


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