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Aquivion E98-15S

Aquivion E98-15S

Product Details:


Product Description

Brand: Solvay Specialty Polymers USA
Product Code: 72700012

Aquivion membrane is used to separate the anode andcathode compartment of proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) and waterelectrolyzers, separators for electrochemical hydrogen pump or redox flowbatteries, and pervaporation or gas humidification systems. Various other electrochemicaltechnologies can also benefit from Aquivion membranes. Aquivion E98-15Smembrane has a nominal thickness of 150 micrometers ( 5.9 mil), which makes itsuitable for unpressurized or pressurized H2/Air PEMFCs, unpressurized orpressurized H2/O2 PEMFCs, unpressurized or pressurized water electrolyzers,unpressurized or pressurized electrochemical hydrogen pumps, redox flowbatteries, pervaporation or gas humidification systems, etc. Direct methanolfuel cells (DMFCs), direct ethanol fuel cells (DEFCs), and various otheralcohol based fuel cells can also benefit greatly from this cation exchangemembrane.

Solvay Aquivion E98-15S is a perfluorosulfonic acid(PFSA) ionomer membrane that exhibits an equivalent weight (EW) of 980 g/eg.Aquivion PFSA ionomer membranes are melt-extruded products based on the uniqueShort Side Chain copolymer of Tetrafluoroethylene (TFE) and Sulfonyl FluorideVinyl Ether (SFVE) F2C=CF-O-CF2CF2-SO2F produced by Solvay. This membrane isavailable in the acid form (H+) and features a lower EW than most commercialproton exchange membranes or cation exchange membranes. The unique Short SideChain copolymer allows higher crystallinity, improved mechanical properties,and better proton conductivity. Aquivion E98-15S membrane is anon-reinforced membrane based on the chemically stabilized Solvay PFSA ionomer,which exhibit substantially lower fluoride ion release compared to thenon-stabilized polymer a sign of improved chemical durability.  Chemicalstabilization process is also known as end group conversion in which a largeamount of polymer end groups are converted to their inert "CF3"configuration, and as such provides excellent lifetime.  Aquivionmembranes are also manufactured in the standard form without the chemicalstabilization.  The polymer is chemically resistant and durable forvarious electrochemical and non-electrochemical applications.


Key Advantages:

Very high concentration of functional groups for strongproton (or Na+, K+, Li+, etc.) conductivity
High softening point for high temperature operation well above 80 C
Strong water retention for better fuel cell operation at low-humidityconditions


Comparison of Short Side Chain and Long Side ChainPFSA Membranes:

Aquivion PFSAs shorter side chain makes itpossible to achieve either better mechanical properties at the same IEC(ion-exchange capacity) or a higher IEC at the same mechanical properties thanlong side chain polymers (LSC).  A comparison of Short Side Chain and LongSide Chain PFSA polymers from a polymeric composition is provided in thefollowing image.

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