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Methanol Fuel Cell

Methanol Fuel Cell

Product Details:


Product Description

Brand: H-TECEducation
Product Code: 1071041


Direct Methanol uel Cell (DMC), with built-in methanoltank.  Operated with 3% o methanol-in-distilled water solution.

In the uture, many areas o the power generation industrywill exploit the chemical transormation o energy in uel cells in order togenerate electricity rom hydrogen.  The success o this technology will bebased upon the universal availability o hydrogen and its ecological andeconomic beneits.  Methanol, a liquid carrier o hydrogen, is a uelemployed in uel cells which can be compared in its use to petrol or diesel uelsor internal-combustion engines.  It is being examined closely by theautomotive industry or its potential or use in drive concepts.  TheMethanol uel Cell, 111 provides a vivid demonstration o thistechnology.


Direct Methanol Fuel Cell, 111 -Technical Speciications:

Electrode Area: 4 cm2
Generated Power: 10 mW
Generated Voltage: 300 - 500m V DC
uel: Approx. 3% Methanol Solution (by weight)
Dimensions (H x W x D): 2" x 2" x 1.6" (50 x 50 x 40 mm)
Weight: 2.1 oz (60 g)

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